APTS Statistical Modelling
Latent variables

Ioannis Kosmidis

Professor of Statistics
Department of Statistics, University of Warwick

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19 April 2024

George Box (1919 – 2013)

George Box (1919 – 2013)

Remember that all models are wrong; the practical question is how wrong do they have to be to not be useful.

in Box and Draper (1987). Empirical Model-Building and Response Surfaces, p. 74

Latent variable models

Latent variables: setting

Many statistical models simplify when written in terms of unobserved latent variable \(U\) in addition to the observed data \(Y\). The latent variable

  • may really exist: for example, when \(Y = I(U > c)\) for some continuous \(U\) (“do you earn less than c per year?”);

  • may be human construct: for example, something called IQ is said to underlie scores on intelligence tests, but is IQ just a cultural construct? (“Mismeasure of man” debate, etc.);

  • may just be a mathematical / computational device: for example, latent variables are used in the implementation of MCMC or EM algorithms.

Velocity of galaxies: ?MASS::galaxies

The velocities, in km/sec, of 82 galaxies, moving away from our own galaxy, from 6 well-separated conic sections of an ‘unfilled’ survey of the Corona Borealis region. Multimodality in such surveys is evidence for voids and superclusters in the far universe.

If galaxies are indeed super-clustered the distribution of their velocities estimated from the red-shift in their light-spectra would be multimodal, and unimodal otherwise

data("galaxies", package = "MASS")
## Fix typo see `?galaxies`
galaxies[78] <- 26960
 [1]  9172  9350  9483  9558  9775 10227 10406 16084 16170 18419 18552 18600
[13] 18927 19052 19070 19330 19343 19349 19440 19473 19529 19541 19547 19663
[25] 19846 19856 19863 19914 19918 19973 19989 20166 20175 20179 20196 20215
[37] 20221 20415 20629 20795 20821 20846 20875 20986 21137 21492 21701 21814
[49] 21921 21960 22185 22209 22242 22249 22314 22374 22495 22746 22747 22888
[61] 22914 23206 23241 23263 23484 23538 23542 23666 23706 23711 24129 24285
[73] 24289 24366 24717 24990 25633 26960 26995 32065 32789 34279

Velocity of galaxies: ?MASS::galaxies

## Rescale to 1000km/s
galaxies <- galaxies / 1000
plot(x = c(0, 40), y = c(0, 0.25), type = "n", bty = "l",
     xlab = "velocity of galaxy (1000km/s)", ylab = "density")
lines(density(galaxies, bw = "nrd0"), col = cols[2], lwd = 2)
lines(density(galaxies, bw = "SJ"), col = cols[3], lwd = 2)
legend("topright", legend = c('bw = "nrd0"', 'bw = "SJ"'),
       col = cols[2:3], lty = 1, lwd = 2)
Density of galaxy velocities in 1000km/s, using two kernel density estimators with gaussian kernel but different bandwidth selection procedures.

Figure 1: Density of galaxy velocities in 1000km/s, using two kernel density estimators with gaussian kernel but different bandwidth selection procedures.

Latent variable models

Let \([U], D\) denote discrete random variables, and \((U), X\) continuous ones.

\([U] \to X\) or \([U]\to D\) \((U) \to D\) \((U)\to X\) or \((U)\to D\)
finite mixture models censoring generalized nonlinear mixed models
hidden Markov models truncation exploratory / confirmatory factor analysis
changepoint models item-response theory models
\(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\)

Example: probit regression

A generalized linear model for binary data with a probit link function can be written as \[ \begin{aligned} U_i & \stackrel{\text{ind}}{\sim}\mathop{\mathrm{N}}(x_i^\top \beta, 1) \\ Y_i & = I(U_i \geq 0) \end{aligned} \]

The log-likelihood of the probit regression model is then \[ \sum_{i = 1}^n \left\{ y_i \log \Phi(x_i^\top \beta) + (1 - y_i)\log\{1 - \Phi(x^\top\beta)\} \right\} \]

Different assumptions for the distribution of the latent variable \(U\) give rise to different models (e.g. logistic distribution gives rise to logistic regression, extreme-value distribution to complementary log-log regression, etc.).

Finite mixture models


Observations are taken from a population composed of distinct sub-populations, but it is unknown from which of those sub-populations the observations come from (e.g. the galaxy velocities data).

\(p\)-component finite mixture model

The \(p\)-component finite mixture model has density or probability mass function \[ f(y \,;\,\pi, \theta) = \sum_{r=1}^p \pi_r f_r(y \,;\,\theta) \quad (0\leq \pi_r\leq 1 ; \sum_{r=1}^p \pi_r = 1) \] where \(\pi_r\) is the probability that \(y\) is from the \(r\)th component, and \(f_r(y \,;\,\theta)\) is its density or probability mass function conditional on this event (component density).

Finite mixture models

Latent variable

\[ P(U = r) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1\,, & \text{with probability } \pi_1 \\ 2\,, & \text{with probability } \pi_2 \\ \vdots \\ p\,, & \text{with probability } \pi_p \\ \end{array}\right. \]

Then, \[ f(y \,;\,\pi, \theta) = \sum_{r=1}^p \underbrace{P(U = r)}_{\text{component weights}} \overbrace{f_r(y \,;\,\theta \mid U = r)}^{\text{component denisty / pmf}} \quad (0\leq \pi_r\leq 1 ; \sum_{r=1}^p \pi_r = 1) \]

Finite mixture models

A widely used class of models for density estimation and clustering. It is often assumed that the number of components \(p\) is unknown.

Such models are non-regular for likelihood inference:

  • The ordering of components is non-identifiable. In other works, charging the order of the components does not change model.

  • Setting \(\pi_r = 0\) eliminates the unknown parameters in \(f_r(y \,;\,\pi, \theta)\)

  • Depending on the specification of the component distribution, the maximum of the log-likelihood can be \(+\infty\), and can be achieved for various \(\theta\).

Typically, implementations use constraints on the parameters to overcome such issues.



The Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is a powerful tool that allows to use the observed value \(y\) of \(Y\) for inference on \(\theta\) when we cannot easily compute \[ f(y \,;\,\theta) = \int f(y\mid u \,;\,\theta) f(u \,;\,\theta) du \]

It proceeds by exploiting the latent variables.

EM Derivation

Complete data log-likelihood

Suppose that we observe \(U\). Then, the Bayes theorem gives that the complete data log-likelihood is \[ \log f(y, u \,;\,\theta) = \log f(y \,;\,\theta) + \log f(u \mid y \,;\,\theta) \tag{1}\]

Incomplete data log-likelihood

The incomplete data log-likelihood (also known as observable data log-likelihood) is simply \[ \ell(\theta) = \log f(y \,;\,\theta) \]

EM Derivation: \(Q\) function


Take expectations in both sides of (1) with respect to \(f(u \mid y \,;\,\theta')\). We have \[ \underbrace{\mathop{\mathrm{E}}\left( \log f(Y, U \,;\,\theta) \mid Y = y \,;\,\theta'\right)}_{Q(\theta\,;\,\theta')} = \ell(\theta) + \overbrace{\mathop{\mathrm{E}}\left( \log f(U \mid Y \,;\,\theta)\mid Y = y \,;\,\theta'\right)}^{C(\theta \,;\,\theta')} \tag{2}\]

Behaviour of \(Q(\theta \,;\,\theta')\) as a function of \(\theta\)

\[ \begin{aligned} C(\theta \,;\,\theta') - C(\theta' \,;\,\theta') & = \mathop{\mathrm{E}}\left( \log \frac{f(U \mid Y \,;\,\theta)}{f(U \mid Y \,;\,\theta')} \mid Y = y \,;\,\theta'\right) \\ & \le \log \mathop{\mathrm{E}}\left( \frac{f(U \mid Y \,;\,\theta)}{f(U \mid Y \,;\,\theta')} \mid Y = y \,;\,\theta'\right) \\ & = \log \int \frac{f(u \mid Y = y \,;\,\theta)}{f(u \mid Y =y \,;\,\theta')} f(u \mid Y = y \,;\,\theta') du \\ & = \log \int f(u \mid Y = y \,;\,\theta) du = 0 \\ & \implies C(\theta' \,;\,\theta')\geq C(\theta \,;\,\theta') \end{aligned} \]

Hence, \[ Q(\theta \,;\,\theta')\geq Q(\theta' \,;\,\theta') \implies \ell(\theta) - \ell(\theta') \geq C(\theta' \,;\,\theta') - C(\theta \,;\,\theta') \geq 0 \tag{3}\]

Under mild smoothness conditions, \(C(\theta \,;\,\theta')\) has a stationary point at \(\theta := \theta'\).

So, if \(Q(\theta \,;\,\theta')\) is stationary at \(\theta := \theta'\), (2) implies that so too is \(\ell(\theta)\)!

EM algorithm for maximizing \(\ell(\theta)\)

Starting from an initial value \(\theta'\) of \(\theta\)

  1. Expectation (E) step

    Compute \(Q(\theta \,;\,\theta') = \mathop{\mathrm{E}}\left( \log f(Y,U \,;\,\theta) \mid Y = y \,;\,\theta'\right)\).

  2. Maximization (M) step

    With \(\theta'\) fixed, maximize \(Q(\theta \,;\,\theta')\) with respect to \(\theta\), and let \(\theta^\dagger\) be the maximizer.

  3. Check convergence, based on the size of \(\ell(\theta^\dagger) - \ell(\theta')\) if available, or \(\|\theta^\dagger - \theta'\|\), or both.

    If the algorithm has converged stop and return \(\theta^\dagger\) as the value of the maximum likelihood estimator \(\hat\theta\). Otherwise, set \(\theta' := \theta^\dagger\) and go to 1.

The M-step ensures that \(Q(\theta^\dagger \,;\,\theta') \geq Q(\theta' \,;\,\theta')\), so (3) implies that \(\ell(\theta^\dagger) \geq \ell(\theta')\).

\[ \LARGE\Downarrow \]

The log likelihood never decreases between EM iterations!

EM algorithm: notes on convergence

If \(\ell(\theta)\) has only one stationary point, and \(Q(\theta \,;\, \theta')\) eventually reaches a stationary value at \(\hat\theta\), then \(\hat\theta\) must maximize \(\ell(\theta)\).

Otherwise, the algorithm may converge to a local maximum of the log likelihood or to a saddlepoint.

EM never decreases the log likelihood so it is, generally, more stable than Newton–Raphson-type algorithms. The rate of convergence depends on closeness of \(Q(\theta \,;\,\theta')\) and \(\ell(\theta)\).

Missing information principle

Observed information equals the complete-data information minus the missing information.

\[ \underbrace{-{\partial^2\ell(\theta)\over\partial \theta\partial \theta^\top}}_{J(\theta)} = \overbrace{\mathop{\mathrm{E}}\left(\left. -{\partial^2\log f(Y, U \,;\,\theta)\over\partial \theta\partial \theta^\top} \right| Y=y \,;\,\theta\right)}^{I_c(\theta \,;\,y)} - \underbrace{\mathop{\mathrm{E}}\left(\left. -{\partial^2\log f(U \mid Y \,;\,\theta)\over\partial \theta\partial \theta^\top} \right| Y=y \,;\,\theta\right)}_{I_m(\theta \,;\,y)} \]

EM’s rate of convergence is slow if the missing information is a high proportion of the total, or if the largest eigenvalue of \(I_c(\theta \,;\,y)^{-1}I_m(\theta \,;\,y) \approx 1\).

Example: negative binomial

inc_loglik <- function(theta, nu, y) {
    sum(dnbinom(y, nu, nu / (theta + nu), log = TRUE))
Q <- function(theta, theta_d, nu, y) {
    sum(-(1 + nu / theta) * (y + nu) / (1 + nu / theta_d) - nu * log(theta))
theta_dagger <- function(theta_d, nu, y) {
    theta_d * (mean(y) + nu) / (theta_d + nu)
nu <- 20
theta_true <- 1.5
y <- rnbinom(20, nu, nu / (theta_true + nu))
theta_grid <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 100)
inc_ll <- sapply(theta_grid, inc_loglik, nu = nu, y = y)
maxit <- 400

theta_start <- theta_d <- 0.1

## Scaling factor for nice plots
scl <- 2
plot(theta_grid, inc_ll, type = "l", ylim = c(-400, 10),
     ylab = "", xlab = expression(theta))
legend("bottomright", legend = c("incomplete data log-likelihood", "Q"),
       col = c("black", "grey"), lty = 1)
for (r in 1:maxit) {
    Q1 <- sapply(theta_grid, Q, theta_d = theta_d, nu = nu, y = y) / scl
    if (r %% 4 == 0) {
        points(theta_grid, Q1, type = "l", col = "grey")
        theta_d <- theta_dagger(theta_d, nu, y)
abline(v = mean(y), lty = 2)

The maximum of the incoplete-data log-likelihood is at \(\hat\theta := 1.75\).

EM starting at \(\theta' = 0.1\).

Example: negative binomial

theta_start <- theta_d <- 8

## Scaling factor for nice plots
scl <- 10
plot(theta_grid, inc_ll, type = "l", ylim = c(-400, 10),
     ylab = "", xlab = expression(theta))
legend("bottomright", legend = c("incomplete data log-likelihood", "Q"),
       col = c("black", "grey"), lty = 1)
for (r in 1:300) {
    Q1 <- sapply(theta_grid, Q, theta_d = theta_d, nu = nu, y = y) / scl
    if (r %% 4 == 0) {
        points(theta_grid, Q1, type = "l", col = "grey")
        theta_d <- theta_dagger(theta_d, nu, y)
abline(v = mean(y), lty = 2)

The maximum of the incoplete-data log-likelihood is at \(\hat\theta := 1.75\).

EM starting at \(\theta' = 8\).

EM for mixture models

E-step for mixture models

The contribution to the complete data log-likelihood (assuming that we know from what component \(y\) is from) of a mixture model is \[ \log f(y, u \,;\,\pi, \theta) = \sum_{r=1}^p I(u=r)\left\{ \log \pi_r + \log f_r(y \,;\,\theta)\right\} \]

We need the expectation of \(\log f(y,u \,;\,\theta)\) over distribution of \(U \mid Y = y\) at \(\pi'\) and \(\theta'\), that is \[ w_r(y \,;\,\pi', \theta') = P(U = r \mid Y = y \,;\,\pi', \theta') = {\pi'_r f_r(y \,;\,\theta')\over \sum_{s=1}^p \pi'_s f_s(y \,;\,\theta')} \quad (r=1,\ldots,p) \tag{4}\] which is the weight attributable to component \(r\) given observation \(y\).

The only quantities depending on \(U\) in the completed data log-likelihood are \(I(U = r)\). So, \[ \begin{aligned} \mathop{\mathrm{E}}(I(U = r) \mid Y = y \,;\,\pi', \theta') & = P(U = r \mid Y = y \,;\,\pi', \theta') = w_r(y \,;\,\pi', \theta')\\ \end{aligned} \]

E-step for mixture models

The expected value of the complete-data log likelihood based on a random sample \((y_1, u_1), \ldots, (y_n, u_n)\) is \[ \begin{aligned} Q(\pi, \theta \,;\,\pi', \theta') & = \sum_{j=1}^n \sum_{r=1}^p w_r(y_j \,;\,\pi', \theta')\left\{ \log\pi_r + \log f_r(y_j \,;\,\theta)\right\}\\ &= \sum_{r=1}^p \left\{ \sum_{j=1}^n w_r(y_j \,;\,\pi', \theta')\right\}\log\pi_r + \sum_{r=1}^p \sum_{j=1}^n w_r(y_j \,;\,\pi', \theta')\log f_r(y_j \,;\,\theta) \end{aligned} \]

M-step for mixture models

Maximize \[ \begin{aligned} \underbrace{\sum_{r=1}^p \left\{ \sum_{j=1}^n w_r(y_j \,;\,\pi', \theta')\right\}\log\pi_r}_{A(\pi)} + \underbrace{\sum_{r=1}^p \sum_{j=1}^n w_r(y_j \pi'm \,;\,\theta')\log f_r(y_j \,;\,\theta)}_{B(\theta)} \end{aligned} \] for fixed \(\theta'\).

Iterates for \(\pi_r\)

\(\pi_r\) do not usually appear in the component density \(f_r\). So, \[ \left\{\pi_r^\dagger\right\} = \arg\max A(\pi) = \left\{\frac{1}{n} \sum_{j = 1}^n w_r(y_j \,;\,\pi', \theta')\right\} \] which are the average weights given the data for each component.

M-step for mixture models

Iterates for \(\theta\)

\(f_r\) do not depend on \(\pi_r\). So, \[ \theta^\dagger = \arg\max B(\theta) \]

Example: Univariate normal components

If \(f_r\) is the normal density with mean \(\mu_r\) and variance \(\sigma^2_r\), simple calculations give that the M-step results in the weighted estimates \[ \mu_r^\dagger = {\sum_{j=1}^n w_r(y_j \,;\,\pi', \theta') y_j\over \sum_{j=1}^n w_r(y_j \,;\,\pi', \theta')}\,, \quad \sigma^{2\dagger}_r = {\sum_{j=1}^n w_r(y_j \,;\,\pi', \theta')(y_j-\mu_r^\dagger)^2\over \sum_{j=1}^n w_r(y_j \,;\,\pi', \theta')} \quad (r=1,\ldots,p) \]

Velocity of galaxies: Mixture of normal distributions

Let’s fit a mixture model with normal component densities, where each component has its own mean and variance. This can be done using the mclust R package, which provides the EM algorithm for (multivariate) gaussian mixture models.

gal_mix <- Mclust(galaxies, G = 1:10, modelNames = "V")
plot(gal_mix, what = "BIC")
abline(v = 4, lty = 3)

[mclust reports the negative of the BIC as we defined it]

Velocity of galaxies: Density estimation

plot(x = c(0, 40), y = c(0, 0.25), type = "n", bty = "l",
     xlab = "velocity of galaxy (1000km/s)", ylab = "density")
lines(density(galaxies, bw = "nrd0"), col = cols[2], lwd = 2)
lines(density(galaxies, bw = "SJ"), col = cols[3], lwd = 2)
legend("topright", legend = c('bw = "nrd0"', 'bw = "SJ"'),
       col = cols[2:3], lty = 1, lwd = 2)

Figure 2: Density of galaxy velocities in 1000km/s, using two kernel density estimators with gaussian kernel but different bandwidth selection procedures, and a mixture of 4 normal densities.

Velocity of galaxies: Density estimation

plot(x = c(0, 40), y = c(0, 0.25), type = "n", bty = "l",
     xlab = "velocity of galaxy (1000km/s)", ylab = "density")
lines(density(galaxies, bw = "nrd0"), col = cols[2], lwd = 2)
lines(density(galaxies, bw = "SJ"), col = cols[3], lwd = 2)
legend("topright", legend = c('GMM', 'bw = "nrd0"', 'bw = "SJ"'),
       col = cols, lty = 1)
ra <- seq(0, 40, length.out = 1000)
lines(ra, dens(ra, modelName = "V", parameters = gal_mix$parameters),
      col = cols[1], lwd = 2)

Figure 3: Density of galaxy velocities in 1000km/s, using two kernel density estimators with gaussian kernel but different bandwidth selection procedures, and a mixture of 4 normal densities.

Clustering and assignment uncertainty

Apart from computation convenient, EM for mixture models results in some useful byproducts.

The weights (4) from the E-step can be used to determine - the component at which the observation is assigned to - the uncertainty about that assignment

Exponential families

Suppose that the complete-data log likelihood has the form \[ \log f(y,u \,;\,\theta) = s(y,u)^\top\theta - \kappa(\theta) + c(y, u) \]

Ignoring \(c(y, u)\), the M-step of the EM algorithm involves maximizing \[ Q(\theta \,;\,\theta') = \left\{\mathop{\mathrm{E}}\left( s(y,U)\mid Y = y \,;\,\theta'\right)\right\}^\top \theta - \kappa(\theta) \] or, equivalently, solving for \(\theta\) the equation \[ \mathop{\mathrm{E}}\left( s(y,U)\mid Y=y \,;\,\theta'\right) = {\partial\kappa(\theta)\over\partial\theta} \]

The likelihood equation for \(\theta\) based on the complete data is \(s(y,u) = \partial\kappa(\theta)/\partial\theta\).


EM simply replaces \(s(y , u)\) by its conditional expectation \(\mathop{\mathrm{E}}\left( s(y,U) \mid Y = y \,;\,\theta'\right)\) and solves the likelihood equation. A routine to fit the complete-data model can readily be adapted for missing data if the conditional expectations are available.

Materials Link
Preliminary material ikosmidis.com/files/APTS-SM-Preliminary
Notes ikosmidis.com/files/APTS-SM-Notes
Slides: Introduction ikosmidis.com/files/APTS-SM-Slides-intro
Slides: Model selection ikosmidis.com/files/APTS-SM-Slides-model-selection
Slides: Beyond GLMs ikosmidis.com/files/APTS-SM-Slides-beyond-glms
Slides: Nonlinear models ikosmidis.com/files/APTS-SM-Slides-nonlinear-models
Slides: Latent variables ikosmidis.com/files/APTS-SM-Slides-latent
Lab 1 ikosmidis.com/files/APTS-SM-Notes/lab1.html
Lab 2 ikosmidis.com/files/APTS-SM-Notes/lab2.html